Story Startup

Beginner Writing Workshop 

If you are a super duper beginner and have no clue how to even begin to think about writing anything, then this is the workshop series for you! Each workshop is a la carte, meaning you do not need to attend all of them, so pick the workshop that is best for you!


(completed, replay is $25)

A free one-hour live webinar to kickstart this workshop series. This free webinar introduced participants to 5 Steps you can use to get your story idea out of your head and onto the page, from Initial  Idea to a Complete Outline of the story. Many of the concepts presented are further elaborate on in the individual workshop series.

Workshop #1: The Idea 

(completed, watch the replay!)

A two-hour workshop with helpful, practical steps on how to get your story idea out of your head and onto the page using writing tools, tropes, and genres. If you have ever struggled with getting your idea into a form you can work with, then this workshop will be perfect for you.

Workshop #2: The Emotional Backbone (August 14, register here)

A one-hour workshop where we will cover the 9 essential elements of any story, including how to thread emotional resonance throughout your book. This workshop is your basic guide to creating a story that someone will keep thinking about even after they've finished it.

Workshop #3: Story Circle 

(September, registration opens soon)

Story is all about the ups and downs your character goes on. So let's throw some ups and downs at them! But we will build them based on the character's wants and their position on the story's emotional backbone. This one-hour workshop will cover creating the story circle with plenty of examples 

Workshop #4: Characters & Scenes (October, registration opens soon)

Lastly, we will cover the scenes and characters that are best to help your story come to life. This one-hour workshop will go in-depth on how side characters balance with your main character to help guide the story forward and which scenes are best to add to your story. The goal is for your story to have at least 40 scenes!

The a la carte Workshop price is $45 USD. 

Workshop #4 is complimentary if you attend the first 3 workshops 😊